Contribute to an OSU Ag Safety and Health Fund

W E "Bill Stuckey" Memorial Fund

The Farm Safety Endowment was established in memory of Bill Stuckey, Ohio's First Extension Safety Leader. Interest from the Endowment fund is used in the development of action programs in the area of farm and agricultural related highway safety issues. Dispersal of funds may be used for:

  • Student wages or assistantships for developing agricultural education or research programs

  • Promotion and diffusion of timely information

  • Maintaining an agricultural morbidity and mortality database

  • Youth programs in Agricultural Safety and Health

Special funds for the development and distribution of package programs for agricultural groups, organizations and agencies.

Special emphasis will be given to development of new and innovative programs, especially those related to subjects and problems not being presently addressed. A TAX DEDUCTIBLE contribution to the Endowment Fund will provide for a wide variety of agricultural safety activities in Ohio.

How To Contribute
Contributions by check payable to "Fund # 607057 W E Stuckey Memorial Org # 55230" may be mailed to:
Dr. Dee Jepsen, Safety Leader
Department of Food, Agriculture and Biological Engineering
590 Woody Hayes Drive

Ohio AgrAbility Program

Your contribution will help the Ohio AgrAbility Program provide to farmers with a disability all of the following services:

- On-site assessment and technical assistance.

- Assistive technology, which includes any kind of device, modification, or service that will help a person with a disability work and live more independently.

- Universal design, which is a broad- spectrum solution that produces buildings, products, and environments that are usable and effective for everyone

- Community-based events regarding rural health care, secondary injury prevention, and farming with a disability.

- Peer support activities

Donations of any size are appreciated. All gifts to the Ohio AgrAbility Program are gifts to The Ohio State University and, as such, are tax exempt to the extent permitted by the law.

Make checks payable to the following:
The Ohio State University (On the memo line, please write Ohio AgrAbility Fund #313467.)
Mail to: Ohio AgrAbility Program
The Ohio State University Agricultural Engineering Bldg.
590 Woody Hayes Dr.
Columbus, OH 43210

To make donations online:
Log on to, and click the red “give now” tab. Then, search for “Ohio AgrAbility.”

For more information contact:
Ohio AgrAbility Program
Dr. Dee Jepsen, Safety Leader
Department of Food, Agriculture and Biological Engineering
590 Woody Hayes Drive