Do you offer any educational outreach for a youth audience? Have you thought about adding safety to those outreach efforts like a Farm Safety Day Camp, Ag Awareness, Farmers Breakfast, FFA events, county fairs, school programming?
If so, check out what resources OSUE Ag Safety and Health group was waiting for you!
Your outreach efforts can provide youth an opportunity to learn about agricultural hazards and injury prevention. The mission of the program is to teach youth about rural dangers; however the participants do not have to be farm children to benefit from the educational sessions. Injuries from horses, livestock, ponds, lawn mowers and electricity can occur to anyone, not just farm kids. Participants learn in a fun, interactive way the consequences of poor judgment around power machinery, flowing grain, and livestock.
OSU Ag Safety & Health can provide you with:
- lesson plans with hands-on activities
- session demonstration equipment
- educational display posters
This programming effort can also serve as an ideal conduit between businesses and community organizations interested in the health and safety of local youth.
Please contact Kathy Mann ( if you are interested in learning more using these resources in your outreach efforts.