Overexertion and Fatigue

Andy Bauer—Ohio AgrAbility Program Educational Coordinator

Hopefully, spring weather is finally here, bringing with it long hours.  Getting field work done, crops planted and the garden planted in a timely manner are important tasks this time of year. During this time of long hours and hard work, don’t forget about your own health.

Overexertion and fatigue are two types of injury that long hard days can cause. Remember, your body is your most important tool, so learn to respect it. Pain is your body’s way of telling you to slow down and rest. 

  •  In the morning, take time to do some stretching exercises and warm the body up to get ready for a strenuous day.
  •  Remember to use proper lifting technics when lifting objects. Try not to lift more than you can, don’t overextend yourself. Ask for help when it is too heavy.
  • Switch tasks as often as you can when bending, lifting and reaching out to do repetitive jobs.  Take care of your back.
  • When sitting in equipment for long periods of time, stop every couple of hours to get out and stretch your legs. Do some stretching to loosen up your back. Rough ground and old tractor seats can be hard on your back. Stretching and walking around will also help to prevent fatigue.
  •  Try to get a good night’s sleep.
  • Remember to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated as you work long hours and temperatures rise.

Taking care of yourself will help prevent planting delays that are caused by things we can control.

Overexertion and fatigue are also two concerns to be aware of when working in the garden. Pace yourself when working in the garden. Be careful of bending and reaching out to plant, don’t overextend yourself. Try to limit the hours worked in the garden and get some rest to prevent fatigue the next day. Plan your days out and work smart.

For more information contact the Ohio AgrAbility Program at agrability.osu.edu or Andy Bauer at 614-247-7681 or bauer.528@osu.edu