National Preparedness Month

2015 Theme: Don't Wait. Communicate. Make Your Emergency Plan Today.
September is National Preparedness Month.  This year we are asking you to take action now – make a plan with your community, your family, and for your pets.  Plan how to stay safe and communicate during the disasters that can affect your community. We ask everyone to participate in America’s PrepareAthon! and the national day of action, National PrepareAthon! Day, which culminates National Preparedness Month on September 30.
2015 weekly hazard focused themes:
 Week 1:  September 1-5th            Flood
 Week 2:  September 6-12th          Wildfire
 Week 3:  September 13-19th        Hurricane
 Week 4:  September 20-26th        Power Outage
 Week 5:  September 27-30th       Lead up to National PrepareAthon! Day                                                    
The official Social Media Toolkit will be released the first week in August.
Social media accounts to follow include:  @Readygov and @PrepareAthon
Official Hashtags include: #NatlPrep and #PrepareAthon
For more information on National Preparedness Month visit