Safety videos to round out your summer chores

Dee Jepsen – OSU Ag Safety and Health Specialist

It seems that every month of the year is a full of farm activity. Yet August is a month where a little reprieve may be available before the fall livestock activities or crop harvest season kicks into full gear. With that in mind, August may just be the perfect month to conduct inspections, and do a little housekeeping in the shop and around the barnyard.

Here are two video links to help you start thinking about farm safety inspections. Hope you enjoy their lighthearted approach to serious topics.

Farm SOS by OSU Ag Safety & Health:

Farm shop safety: Housekeeping by SAIF Corporation:

There is also an article in this issue “Injury Prevention: Identifying Agricultural Workplace Hazards” that provides additional detail.

Keep safety in mind, and have a safe end to summer!

For more information about OSU Ag Safety, visit or contact Dee Jepsen, OSU Agricultural Safety & Health, at or 614-292-6008.