Tractor and Machinery Certification for Youth-In-service

Interested in connecting with other agricultural education teachers, OSU Extension educators, and Ohio Farm Bureau Federation Organizational Directors? Want access to resources (can be used regardless of offering a tractor cert course)? Then this ONE DAY workshop is for you!

The U.S. Department of Labor (U.S. DOL) has established 11 tasks that are considered "too hazardous" for youth to complete for hire (drive a tractor over 20PTO Hp, work with breeding livestock, etc.). Exemptions from these hazardous tasks include: Working for a parent or legal guardian (farms that are LLC or Inc., or operated by a grandparent/extended family member are 'gray areas'), completing a Tractor and Machinery certification course (can complete tasks 1&2), or enrolled in a "vocational agriculture program" (can complete tasks 1-6, with documentation). 

The one day workshop will be held on Monday August 1st at the scenic Gwynne Conservation Area at the Molly Caren Ag Center near London, OH (Arbuckle Rd off of US38, just north and west of the FSR main site). Registration will begin at 9:30AM, with the event beginning at 10AM, lunch provided, and concluding by 3PM (unless you have additional questions you would like answered).

Please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions/preferences.

The cost to reserve your spot is $20 (we can handle up to 40 participants, but space is limited). Checks can be made payable to:
The Ohio State University
and can be mailed to:
ATTN: Dewey Mann
590 Woody Hayes Dr
Columbus, OH 43210

OR checks can be brought to registration the day of the workshop.

Please let us know if you have any other questions. Dee 614-292-6008 or Dewey 614-292-1952