Rachel Jarman – Ohio AgrAbility, Rural Rehabilitation Coordinator:
Using cameras to monitor equipment function has grown in popularity as well as affordability in recent years. Have you ever thought about how those cameras can do more than help you place every last kernel of corn in the semi from the grain cart? AgrAbility has assisted numerous clients who once suffered from back and neck pain, relieve strain by using cameras to provide additional views of equipment running. Imagine how you would feel if you did not have to turn to look how the tillage tool was pulling after every turn. A small monitor mounted in the cab accompanied by 1 or more cameras, depending on desired views, could save your back and neck from all the strain of twisting to check implements. There are many options for vendors of such cameras, including online and brick and mortar dealer sources. Cost of the camera systems vary due to options chosen, but prices have decreased making this more affordable to any size of operation. Different cameras and monitors are linked in this article. Ohio AgrAbility and OSU Ag Safety do not receive any benefit from the links, and do not endorse any particular product or retailer.
Camera Source: https://camera-source.com/agriculture-cams.html
Rosco: https://www.roscovision.com/industry-solutions/agriculture-market
For more information about this and other assistive technologies or Ohio AgrAbility visit https://agrability.osu.edu.