Tailgate Safety Training for Employees

Conducting regular safety meetings is a key component of any organized workplace safety program. One very effective method  is to conduct tailgate safety training on a regular basis. Short, frequent, safety training sessions keep safety in the forefront of employee's daily routine. Employees remain interested, losses of production are minimized, and minimum preparation by the employer is needed.
Tailgate Safety sessions are generally held daily or weekly depending on the workplace, and sessions should last no longer than 20 minutes.
An effectvie Tailgate Safety session should:
- stay on task
- include safety concerns since the last session
- include a safety topic relevant to the work currently being conducted
- initiate discussion of potential hazards during current work
- allow employees the opportunity to bring up any safety concerns and address any issues.
Be sure to document or have a "sign-in" sheet for the training sessions. Documentation for all safety training should be kept on file.
Topic ideas for tailgate safety training can be found at: